Home identity fraud coverage

Unfortunately, home identity scams are becoming more frequently reported in the mainstream media especially in the rental property market, with multiple prominent cases recently coming to light. Since 2009, Land Registry have been cracking down on home identity fraud but it is important that resident remain vigilant and do what they can to protect their properties from fraud.

How can you ensure your rental property is safe?

Home identity fraud coverage: How to protect against fraud

  • Make sure property is registered with Land Registry.
  • It is adviced to have a small mortgage on any rental property to ensure you are alerted if any other party tries to take out a mortgage against your property.
  • Ensure contact details are up-to-date with Land Registry
  • Any confidential documents should be shredded before being thrown away
  • Sensitive security or bank details should never be disclosed over the phone
  • Bank statements should be checked carefully for any suspicious transactions

9 Signs of a good tenant

The Land Registry offer a free property alert service notifying homeowners if the register of their property is changed. Restrictions can also be applied to title deeds where a sale or mortgage can only be processed if a conveyancer or solicitor certifies the application was made by the homeowner.

Check out this link if you are renting out your UK home

It is important to have safety measures in place to ensure your property is safe.

West London Property Networking

Please contact Pelin Martin to book a 30-minute free property consultation on

+0208 994 7327
