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Signs of Subsidence

signs of subsidence

Causes, checks, FAQs, avoiding and repairs

Subsidence is a serious issue that can significantly impact the stability and value of your property. Understanding the signs of subsidence, causes and preventative measures can help you manage and mitigate the risks associated with subsidence. This guide will cover the key aspects of subsidence, including its causes, how to identify early signs, and what to do if your property is affected.

What are the Causes of Subsidence?

Subsidence occurs and property sinks when the ground beneath a building loses its ability to support the structure, leading to a downward movement. Several factors can contribute to subsidence:

  1. Soil Type: Certain soils, such as cohesive soils like clay, shrink and swell with changes in moisture content, making them more prone to subsidence.
  2. Tree Roots: Trees and large shrubs can extract significant amounts of moisture from the soil, causing it to dry out and shrink.
  3. Drains and Gutters: Leaking drains and gutters can wash away or erode soil, reducing its stability. Don’t ignore signs of damp.
  4. Poorly Compacted Ground: If the ground wasn’t properly compacted when the building was constructed, it could settle over time, leading to subsidence.
  5. Historical Factors: Older buildings may suffer from historic subsidence due to changes in ground conditions over many years.

What are the Main Signs of Subsidence?

Recognising the early signs of subsidence can prevent further damage and costly repairs. Here are the main indicators:

FAQ: How Long Does Subsidence Take to Appear?

The appearance of houses with subsidence can vary. It can develop slowly over many years or become noticeable within a few months, especially after significant weather events such as prolonged droughts or heavy rains. Historical subsidence might already exist in older properties but remain dormant until new conditions trigger further movement.

How Can I Check for Subsidence?

To check for subsidence, you can perform a few basic inspections:

For a more thorough assessment, consider hiring a professional:

Avoiding and Repairs

You can prevent subsidence by managing the factors that cause it. Here’s how to reduce the risk:

If your property has already been affected by subsidence, repair options include:

FAQ: What are Subsidence Warning Signs?

A subsidence warning is an alert issued by experts, often during periods of weather that increase the risk of subsidence. For example, prolonged dry spells can lead to drying and shrinking of clay soils, heightening the risk of subsidence. Being aware of these warnings can help homeowners take preventative actions to minimise damage.

Subsidence Insurance and Claims

Homeowners with subsidence issues can face significant repair costs. Having the right buildings insurance is crucial. Ensure your policy covers subsidence and check for any specific exclusions. If subsidence is identified, you can make a claim on your buildings insurance. A surveyor will typically assess the damage and the insurance company will decide on the coverage.

Expert Advice

When dealing with subsidence, expert advice is invaluable:

How Can Blue Crystal Property Management Help?

At Blue Crystal Property Management, we understand the complexities and challenges that come with managing subsidence issues. Our comprehensive services ensure that your property is well-protected and maintained, minimising the risk and impact of subsidence.

By entrusting Blue Crystal Property Management with your property, you can rest assured that every aspect of subsidence management is handled with expertise and care. Our proactive approach helps prevent minor issues from becoming major problems, safeguarding your investment and maintaining the value and stability of your property.

Book your 30-minute complimentary property consultation by phone: 020 8994 7327 or email:

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